2024 Biomarkers of Aging Conference was a success
The 2024 Biomarkers of Aging Conference at Harvard Medical School was a success ✨
Some quick stats:
- 2 days
- 450+ attendees
- 96 posters
- 60 flash talks
- 45 speakers
I had the opportunity to present our recent work at EUTOPS Institute, in particular our prevention research clinic progress now involving studies with nearly 1,000 participants overall.
Longevity Study
Because organising a conference alone did not keep us busy enough, we also initiated our Longevity Study pilot at the conference 🩸. Over 3 mornings, we collected samples and data from a staggering 99 participants! 😮
Apart from representing a study in its own right, we are really pleased to share our resources as a starter kit for other longevity-focused sample collections and study and hope this will promote standards in the field, as well as facilitate decentralised studies. All of our resources can be found under longevity.bwh.harvard.edu.
See you next year in Boston - save the date for 27/28 October 2025.